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The Power of Spring

Have you ever stopped to consider the incredible energy that is required for all the buds that are popping up in springtime to blossom? Imagine for a moment that these little seeds hide away to survive harsh winters and prepare themselves to explode as spring arrives.

Just three weeks ago, Lucia and I were taking an early morning walk in the mountain in Sofia. As we walked, there was snow falling from the sky like a natural sparkly glitter, and it covered everything for as far as we could see. We were admiring how quickly the landscape can change, and how beautiful the snow-covered tree branches were. We talked about the fact that spring was just around the corner, and that very soon a force of energy unlike any other will transform this winter wonderland into a fairy-tale garden full of brightly coloured blossoms.

Two weeks later, we walked the same path, by this time, the snow had melted, the streams and waterfalls were no longer frozen and were running freely and the first signs of little buds were appearing all around us. As we walked through the trees, in silence, with not another person in sight, we focussed on feeling the power that was surrounding us. The forest felt mighty. The tall trees stood high above us, strong and resilient. The breeze that made them gently sway was enough to create a noise that resembled a loud whispering. Mystical, powerful, magical. At that moment the power of nature was so clear to us. The power that we can harness from nature is astonishing.

We must appreciate this energy every day, look at the delicate details of each flower, look at the array of bright colours that they blossom into, look at the green grass and as you look, appreciate how powerful each of these things are.

We are always thinking about how powerful these plants are, and how incredible the energy is within them each time we use our natural plant-based products. All that powerful energy is transferring to us and helping our skin and hair to blossom every day!

Shop our Spring Hydration Kit, with 50% off our Pure Unrefined Rosehip Oil until 30th March 2018

The unique combination of Fresh Pure Rosehip Oil & Fresh DAY Serum, guarantees instant, long-lasting hydration with its super light and absorbent texture. Unrefined Rosehip oil is packed with the highest level of Natural Vitamin C and Natural Tretinoin, famed for its ability to rapidly stimulate the growth of new skin cells, essential for reducing fine lines, clearing pigmentation and scars.